Azoospermia is a condition in which there is no sperm in a man’s ejaculate and accounts for 15% of infertility causes. It is one of the most common issues among male infertility causes. Individuals may be unaware of azoospermia until symptoms of infertility appear. However, it is a disease that affects 1% of men. Azoospermia is classified into two sub-categories. They are classified into two types: those that are based on obstruction and those that are not.
What exactly is Azoospermia?
Azoospermia is characterized by the absence of sperm in the ejaculate. It is frequently confused with oligospermia. However, even though the sperm count is low in oligospermia, there is sperm in the sperm. This condition ensures that the necessary sperm samples for IVF treatment are obtained without the use of surgical methods. Non-obstructive azoospermia constitutes 40% of the azoospermia cases. Non-obstructive azoospermia can be caused by testicular shape disorders and diseases of the pituitary gland, which secretes a stimulant hormone for sperm production. In these cases, a Ychromosome microdeletion analysis is recommended. Treatment methods are not used in such cases because men cannot produce sperm due to chromosomal deficiency. If there are no genetic issues, an IVF treatment can be performed using the Micro-Tese method. The obstructions that occur in the seminal ducts cause obstructive azoospermia. Obstructive azoospermia can be caused by previous infections, traumas, or vasectomy surgery, as well as congenital obstructions. In such cases, microinjection therapy can be used.
Treatment for Azoospermia
Different treatments are used to treat azoospermia depending on the underlying cause. The Micro-Tese method is used in cases of azoospermia that are not caused by obstruction. This is a procedure that is performed while under general anesthesia. It is classified as Classical Tese and Micro-Tese. Classical Tese is a naked-eye procedure that is completed by obtaining tissue from various regions of the testicle. Micro-Tese is a more advanced version of this technique. After making a longitudinal incision on the testicle, an analysis is performed using a microscope in the Micro-Tese method. After removing a tissue from the area where the sperm is most concentrated, the procedure is completed. Micro-Tese has a higher success rate than the traditional method. Seminal ducts are opened with microsurgery in cases of azoospermia caused by an obstruction. Following that, sperm is obtained directly by injecting it into the ducts. Micro-Tese and microsurgery both significantly improve IVF success rates. In most cases, the procedures are carried out one day before the egg collection. Then, in the laboratory, we work on embryo formation using the microinjection method.
Azoospermia Micro-Tese Method
The Micro-Tese method entails enlarging the testicle structure under a microscope and performing a biopsy on the region where sperm is present. This method, which reduces tissue damage while increasing the possibility of sperm detection, is frequently used in azoospermia cases. This allows you to obtain the necessary sperm samples for the microinjection procedure. Healthy and qualified sperms are stored to be used in the next treatment in a possible condition. Micro-Tese is an important method for IVF treatment.
Azoospermia Success Rates
IVF treatments with successful outcomes can be used for Azoospermia patients. Sperms can be obtained in 50-55% of cases using the Micro-Tese method. When the obstruction is removed in cases of obstruction, sperm achievement is approximately 100%. Egg count and quality, as well as uterine health, all play important roles in implementing a successful IVF treatment with the sperms obtained. All steps must be taken in the proper order. Azolospermia treatment centers step in at this point. The professionalism of the team and the efficient use of the obtained sperms have a direct impact on the success rate.