Obstruction In The Reproductive Tubes
The condition that accounts for one-third of all female infertility causes is an obstruction in the reproductive tubes, i.e. e. a tubal element Fallopian tubes, which form a canal between the uterus and the ovaries, may become obstructed for various reasons, the external part of the tube may become stuck on the peripheral tissue, or the structures placed inside, known as ciliary cells, may lose their functional properties. Because of the structure inside the tube, the egg does not enter the tube or the sperm does not reach the egg. For this reason, the egg cannot be fertilized by the sperm. Another common condition is the occurrence of ectopic pregnancy, which occurs when the embryo cannot reach the uterus despite fertilization.
Why Does Obstruction Occur In The Tubes?
One of the most common causes of tube obstruction is untreated infections or delayed infection treatment. Sexual infections, intrauterine device usage, infections after a miscarriage, postpartum and pelvic infections are the infections causing obstructions. Besides, laparotomies and pelvis surgeries also cause obstruction in the tubes.
What Are Its Symptoms?
Generally, the obstruction in the tubes cannot be understood until an infertility complaint is filed. In the event of an early diagnosis, intense pains during menstruation or pains in the inguinal region in everyday life emerge.
How Is It Diagnosed?
Both clinical and radiological examinations are carried out during an obstruction diagnosis in the tubes. Uterus x-ray is taken with hysterosalpingography (HSG). As a result, the tubes and uterus are examined in great detail. In comparison to a traditional x-ray, this x-ray lasts 15-20 minutes and allows for easy monitoring of all tubes. It can cause pain comparable to menstrual cramps. For this reason, if desired, the individuals can be taken to xray test under anaesthesia or via pain killers.
How Is It Treated?
The obstruction in the tubes are generally.treated with the microsurgery method. However, this treatment does not always result in the recovery of the infertility condition. Surgery success varies based on the damage in the tubes. IVF treatment is recommended for women over the age of 35 who have severely damaged tubes and a low egg reserve. Thereby, a pregnancy can be provided despite the problem in the tubes. However, if fluid filling and swelling associated with this filling (hydrosalpinx) occur in the tubes, they must be removed using laparoscopic methods prior to IVF treatment.