Tests For Pregnancy Screening

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Screening tests are used during pregnancy to determine whether or not the baby has a chromosomal anomaly. Because of the quality of the egg and sperm, chromosomal flaws can sometimes be seen in developing embryos. A baby with a chromosome abnormality may be born with various diseases or may die as a result of premature birth or miscarriage. The screening tests are critical for delivering a healthy baby. It should be noted, however, that the screening tests assess the likelihood of an anomaly. It does not allow for precise anomaly diagnosis. While the tests can be repeated if necessary, using a large number of tests is not recommended. Screening tests are also applied in IVF treatment.

It should be used only after the physician has discussed the reliability of the screening tests. It should be noted that if a negative condition is discovered as a result of the tests, the pregnancy can be terminated.

The Different Types of Pregnancy Screening Tests

Among the screening tests, the Double Combined Test (Double Test) is the most commonly used. This method, which is particularly effective for detecting Down Syndrome, is used between the 11th and 14th weeks of pregnancy. An analysis is performed by obtaining samples of the baby’s nuchal translucency and chorionic villus. Furthermore, the blood sample taken from the future mother, as well as the HCG and PAPP-A values, are compared based on the mother’s age and pregnancy week. If the future mother receives a clean result after having a detailed and advanced ultrasound, she does not need to have additional biochemical tests. If the FISH method is used as an IVF treatment, the baby’s entire chromosomal structure can be examined during the double screening test.

This is a method for determining whether a baby has Down syndrome and Trisomy 18 disorder if it is a triple test. While not all diseases can be predicted, this is a method that can indicate the possibilities. This test analyzes the levels of HCG, E3, and AFP in a blood sample taken from the mother. A comparison is made based on the mother’s age and pregnancy week. The test’s application rate has recently decreased.

When Is the Triple Screening Test Conducted?

In the 16th and 18th weeks of pregnancy, a triple test is performed. 

Quadruple test

It is also a test which is performed with the blood sample HCG, AFP, E3, and Inhibin-A levels are compared to the mother’s age and pregnancy week. It is a more effective method than the triple test.

When Is Quadruple Screening Test Performed?

Quadruple screening test is performed in 16th and 18th weeks. Furthermore, future mothers who miss the double test time are advised to skip the triple test and go straight to the quadruple test.


It is also a test that uses a blood sample taken from a future mother. Some factors in the baby’s DNA can be transmitted to the mother’s blood in some cases. In this case, the blood sample is used to assess the possibility of having various chromosomal diseases. To perform the test, fetal DNA must be present in a specific ratio in the blood sample.