Transfer Of Blastocyst

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When a pregnancy occurs under normal circumstances, sperm and eggs combine in the uterine tubes and fertilization occurs. On the fifth or sixth day after fertilization, a fertilized single cell embryo is transferred to the uterus, where it attaches to the uterus and begins to grow. During the transition from the tubes to the uterus, the volume of the embryo increases, and the membrane (zona pellucida) that surrounds it prepares to attach to the uterus with its parts that come out. This is known as the blastocyst stage. The transfer of the embryo, which has been developed in the laboratory up to the blastocyst stage, increases the likelihood of pregnancy in IVF treatment.

What Exactly Is Blastocyst Transfer?

Blastocyst transfer begins with the embryo, which has been prepared in a laboratory setting, being kept in special nutritive plates until it reaches the blastocyst stage. When the embryos kept in the laboratory environment reach the blastocyst stage and meet the necessary conditions, they are transferred to the mother’s uterus during this period, which corresponds to the fifth or sixth day after fertilization. The difference between it and traditional IVF treatment is the day it was transferred. The traditional treatment aims for the embryos, which are transferred within 2 or 3 days of fertilization, to enter the mother’s uterus at the blastocyst stage and begin to hatch in this environment for the attachment procedure. The embryo is transferred to the uterus in a ready-to-attach state during blastocyst transfer. As a result, the treatment’s success rate is increased.

What Is the Purpose of Blastocyst Transfer?

Blastocyst transfer is performed by continuing the culture procedure until the fifth or sixth day in future mothers whose embryos develop in sufficient quantity and quality. In general, it is used for women under the age of 35 who want to become mothers. Following the third day, there should be 5 or more high-quality embryos for the transfer to take place. Multiple pregnancy development is prevented with this method because only high-quality and healthy embryos are transferred. As a result, blastocyst transfer is recommended for couples who want to avoid having multiple babies as a result of IVF treatment.

What Are the Benefits of Blastocyst Transplantation?

Transfer is a technique that promotes the growth and development of healthy embryos. As a result, the success rate of the treatment result rises. Because only one or two embryos are transferred, the possibility of multiple pregnancy is extremely low. This is an alternative method for people who have previously failed IVF treatments. After the transfer, the procedure’s outcome can be determined with a pregnancy test after 12 days.