Uterus Related Causes

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Fertilized egg (embryo) should hold on to the uterus in order to develop and grow in mother’s body. In some cases, the embryo may not be able to attach to the uterus due to factors such as the shape of the uterus, preventing pregnancy. Uterine anomalies can be congenital or develop after birth. Acquired anomalies are those that form later in life. Clinical analyses in both conditions can be used to make a diagnosis.

Why Do Uterine Anamolies Form?

Inherent deformities are the most common uterine anomalies. There may be partial or full septum in the uterus and structures such as bicornis, unicornis and didelphys outside the uterus. These conditions may cause both infertility and miscarriage.

Acquired anomalies are the changes happening in the uterus based on abortions or experienced infections. Among these changes are intrauterine adhesions, myomas, which apply pressure to the uterus, and polyps. The pressure created by myomas and polyps can reduce the possibility of getting pregnant.

What Are Uterine Anomaly Symptoms?

Anomalies can be noticed when they cause a mass formation in the abdomen during infancy. If it is not detected during infancy, it can manifest as amenorrhoea or delayed menstruation, abdominal pain, and a mass caused by an obstruction in the abdomen during adolescence. They can be detected in adulthood if a pregnancy does not occur or if a pregnancy results in a miscarriage.

How Is Uterine Anomaly Diagnosed?

An advanced ultrasound technology is used to examine the uterus structure. In addition to this, A HSG, i. e., an uterus x-ray is taken. Both examinations can be used to obtain information about the uterus structure. During a uterus x-ray, the tubes can also be thoroughly examined. The presence or absence of an obstruction in the tubes is thus determined.

How Are Uterus Anomalies Treated?

Congenital anomalies can be treated surgically. A treatment can be carried out with a closed surgery method such as hysteroscopy or laparoscopy. Individuals can become pregnant naturally after surgery or achieve successful results with IVF treatment. Patologies are removed with hysteroscopy in acquired anomalies when there is a pressure that develops as a result of polyp and myoma formation, in particular. In other cases, drug therapies may be used. Individuals can become pregnant naturally or through IVF treatment as a result of these therapies.

Women who have an anomaly problem and become pregnant naturally should not neglect their routine checks because the baby may be born in the wrong position or they may have miscarriages.