
Varicocele, which is similar to varicose veins, is a disease that has a negative impact on sperm production and quality. It is one of the male fertility causes because it can lead to a decrease in qualified sperm count. Every case of varicocele does not result in infertility. It is a disorder that develops over time, and most of the time, treatment is not required if the symptom is not present. However, in the event of a symptom, surgical interventions are used.
What is Varicocele?
Varicocele is the swelling and enlargement of venous blood vessels in the skin bags (scrotums) located outside the testicles. Enlarged veins are most commonly seen in the left testicle and affect young men. The exact cause of varicocele formation is unknown. However, it is thought to be related to blood flow in the spermatic cord. It is claimed that the valves in the cord may prevent blood flow, resulting in varicocele formation. It generally causes regional pain as a symptom.
Varicocele Risks
Varicocele may cause infertility in the long term. Warmness and pressure arising out of swelling can affect sperm production negatively. While it can cause reduction in sperm count, it also reduces the mobility. Another risk is that it can cause the testicle to shrink. Although the exact cause of shrinking is unknown, it is known to cause long-term damage to peripheral tissues.
Does Varicocele Cause Infertility?
Varicocele may cause infertility in the long term. It may have a negative impact on sperm formation and quality by raising the local temperature in the testicles and their surroundings. Infertility can result from this condition. However, not every man with varicocele is infertile. There are some people who can become fathers without undergoing treatment.
Varicocele Surgery
Microsurgery methods are applied for varicocele disease. The surgery named as varicocelectomy is the most preferred varicocele treatment. This is an open surgery that compresses or ties off a troubled vein. Varicocele surgeries have a low risk.
After Varicocele Surgery
Varicocele surgery is completed in one day and is performed as an outpatient procedure. Peripheral tissues are not damaged during surgery because a microscope is used. This condition is one of the major factors that hastens the recovery process. Individuals can resume their normal lives after 2 days following surgery. It is advised not to engage in sexual activity for a period of time following surgery.