egg freezing

Nowadays, the number of women who want to postpone having children for various reasons is increasing. In this case, egg freezing offers women the possibility to preserve their future reproductive options. In this article, we will discuss what you need to know about the egg freezing process. What is egg freezing? How is it done? Which factors do you need to consider? You will find answers to all these questions about the egg freezing process.

egg freezing

What is Egg Freezing?

Egg freezing is a procedure to freeze a woman’s reproductive cells (eggs) in order to preserve her future reproductive potential. This procedure offers a solution to a woman’s reproductive capacity, which naturally decreases as she ages. The egg freezing process involves freezing, storing and thawing the eggs in the ovaries for later use.

Egg Freezing Process

The egg freezing process consists of several steps. First, a series of hormone drugs are used to interfere with the woman’s natural cycle. These drugs stimulate the production of multiple eggs in the ovaries. Then, another injection of hormones is given to allow the eggs to mature. When the maturation process is complete, the eggs are collected under ultrasound guidance. The collected eggs are sent to the laboratory, where they are frozen. The frozen eggs are then stored in liquid nitrogen.

Egg Freezing and In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)

Egg freezing can be used in combination with in vitro fertilisation (IVF). Frozen eggs can be thawed and fertilised at any time and embryos can be formed. These embryos can be transferred to the uterus and pregnancy can be achieved. When egg freezing and IVF are used together, the chance of natural pregnancy, which decreases with age, can be increased.

For more detailed information about in vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment, please visit the article How IVF works.

For more detailed information about In Vitro Fertilization application, please visit the article “What is Ivf”.

Factors to Consider Before Egg Freezing

It is important to consider a number of factors before making an egg freezing decision. These include age, health status, family planning preferences and financial situation. The egg freezing process is time-consuming, costly and involves some risks. Therefore, individuals need to assess their personal situation and goals.

Risks and Side Effects of Egg Freezing

The process of egg freezing may involve some risks and side effects. There is a risk of infection during the egg collection process. There is also the possibility that some eggs may be damaged during freezing and thawing. Side effects such as hormonal changes and pain in the ovaries may also occur during hormone therapy. These risks and side effects are important factors that individuals should consider before deciding on the egg freezing process.

Cost of Egg Freezing

Egg freezing includes hormone medication, ultrasound checks, egg collection and laboratory procedures. In addition, the costs of freezing and storage should also be added. These costs mean that individuals should check their insurance coverage and do their financial planning.

How to Prepare Before Egg Freezing?

Before starting the egg freezing process, you need to make some preparations. Firstly, it is important to see a reproductive endocrinologist and assess your condition. It is also important to get detailed information about the egg freezing process and to understand the steps required by the process. It will also be useful to have information about the side effects of hormonal medications and the process.

Egg Freezing Surgery

Egg freezing does not require surgery. Egg retrieval is usually performed under local anaesthesia. It is performed under ultrasound guidance and usually takes 10-15 minutes. After the eggs are collected, they are sent to the laboratory and the freezing process is performed.

Success rates and potential outcomes of egg freezing

The success rates of egg freezing depend on many factors. Factors such as age, ovarian reserve, and the quality of the freezing and thawing procedures can affect the results. In general, there is a higher chance of success when egg freezing is performed at a younger age. However, fertilisation and pregnancy rates of frozen eggs may vary for each individual.

Egg Freezing Alternatives

Although egg freezing is a method used to preserve reproductive options, there are some alternatives. These include making lifestyle changes to increase the chances of natural conception, using other reproductive technologies for natural conception or freezing other reproductive cells, such as sperm freezing. These alternatives should be considered depending on the individual’s preferences and health status.

Support and Resources on Egg Freezing

There are many resources available to find more information and support about the egg freezing process. Reproductive endocrinologists, reproductive health centres and support groups are among the resources that can help. Online resources and literature can also help individuals learn more.

Egg freezing is a procedure that allows women to preserve their future reproductive options. In this guide, we have covered all the details of the egg freezing process. You will find answers to your questions such as what egg freezing is, how it is done, what factors should be taken into account and what are the risks of the process. Before deciding on egg freezing, it is important to consult a specialist doctor and assess your personal situation. You can contact Fertijin for more information about the egg freezing process.